In 2022 Karina became a homeschooling parent and started initiating many homeschooling activities and events for her child and Sydney’s homeschooling community. Karina’s coaching clients and local parents started asking for advice and assistance, so that’s how a not-for-profit project for homeschooling families Scoolendar was born!
It is a free web-based application that offers many opportunities to homeschooling parents. For example, Scoolendar helps to connect to the local community even after you moved to another city or country; access local meetups and workshops, stay organised and save all of the events in one summary report for you to use during your next homeschooling registration or to keep as a lovely memory of your family history.
Also, Karina started coordinating a curriculum and the learning process for a few families with teenagers struggling emotionally or academically at school and who decided to transition to homeschooling. She helped those families with the homeschooling registration and now assists teenagers with goal setting, planning, monitoring, progress evaluation, motivation, paid work practices, and personal development.